Folder: 701/2/63
Archive | Instytut Józefa Piłsudskiego w Ameryce |
Fonds | Adiutantura Generalna Naczelnego Wodza |
Folder | Wrzesień- październik 1919 |
Folder description | 1919 1919; akta luźne; dokumentacja aktowa; mieszana; en_US |
Item description
Title | Conditions Among the Poles in the United States |
Author | Dewey, John; |
Topic | polonia w Stanach Zjednoczonych |
Type | Report |
Abstract | European Developments During the War, the Paris Committee and its Policies, Polish Conditions in the United States, Chief Organizations, the Detroit Convention, specific of Friction and Discord.oints |
Dates | 1918 |
Languages | en_US |
Date of the item | 1918 |
Scans of documents
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